Hygge Ideas for Fall | 21 Ways to embrace Hygge in Autumn
At the end of the summer, as the days get shorter and the nights get colder, I find myself getting excited for Autumn or Fall if you prefer. Hygge autumn that is.
And if that sounds a little crazy, then let me share with you why I feel that way.
Do you find yourself living for the weekend? A chance to decompress, leave the 9 to 5 behind for the next 48 hours or so and just be?
I know. Me too.
What is the difference between Hygge Autumn and Hygge Fall?
Not much, since both terms are used by American, Canadian and the UK.
I usually say Fall, it’s less formal, and easier to spell, right?
I love the fall, having been born in October. Fall is a wonderful time for celebrations too, the annual harvest, time for apple picking, Thanksgiving and of course Halloween!
Self Reflection
Yet it can be a time for self reflection too. Time for you to look at your personal goals, declutter your mind, and hit the reset button.
I find it exciting to pause and reflect on my life for the months that have passed, and think about what I want to achieve in the new year.
I prefer to do this in Autumn, rather than wait until January because by then I feel like I don’t have a plan. And then the whole setting goals for the new year, resolutions, whatever you want to call them, just becomes a burden.
Know what I mean?
It may only be late September or early October, but taking this time for self reflection can quickly ignite into how to find your passion!
Perhaps you’ve been wanting to begin a practice of affirmations in your life. Either a daily gratitude journal, writing affirmations of gratitude, or whatever positive statements you can include in your daily life.
Maybe you want to subscribe to a number of self care blogs so that you are fed a constant positive stream of self care information.
Trouble sleeping? What about a sleep challenge?
What exciting things do you want to tackle in the year ahead, and how can you set the stage, and use the remaining months of the year, before the Winter Solstice, to get ready.
I have the perfect solution for you.
It’s called Hygge. I’ve written extensively about living a hygge lifestyle, the Danish concept of feeling ‘cozy’. I’ve even written an ebook that you can download below.
And in this article, we’ve curated a unique list of 21 wonderful ideas of how you can embrace hygge this fall, and feel great as you head into autumn and colder weather. There, I just had to get autumn in, you know?
What is the definition of hygge?
Wiki says ” Hygge is a Danish and Norwegian word for a mood of coziness and comfortable conviviality with feelings of wellness and contentment.”
I love the description from the Visit Denmark Tourism website – Hygge is as Danish as æbleskiver and it goes far in illuminating the Danish soul. In essence, hygge means creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with good people. The warm glow of candlelight is hygge. Cosying up with a loved one for a movie – that’s hygge, too. And there’s nothing more hygge than sitting around with friends and family, discussing the big and small things in life. Perhaps hygge explains why the Danes are some of the happiest people in the world.
What is the pronunciation of Hygge?
Hoo-gah or Hue-gah are perfectly fine. It’s however you wish to say your vowels. The emphasis is on the ‘Hue’. Author Meik Wiking says “Hoo-ga”
How can I live more Hygge?
That’s what we’re going to help you with. Right now. Pretty candles, soft blankets, cozy decor and comfy clothes all help to create a cozy hygge atmosphere.
The reality is that Hygge is a state of mind, a feeling if you will, of happiness and contentment.
Right now you may be thinking that you life is so hectic, full of schedules, work, child care, elder care, money problems, health issues, and that the last thing you have the time or money for is to fit something else, some crazy idea that you could feel happy, cozy and content, by practicing something you can’t even pronounce.
But you are curious, and get those fat white candles out, and your favorite shawl or knitted throw that you’ve dragged around with you for years.
Maybe you plug in your essential oils diffuser too. That’s it. Just these small acts of kindness for yourself (some might say self-care even) and you’re on your way.
But we’ve got lots more information and ideas to help you discover how wonderful fall can be by embracing hygge.
Have you read our newest post – all about wonderful Hygge Gifts? We’ve gathered 25 cozy ideas to share.
In the book The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living, Meik Wiking writes:
“We were all tired after hiking and were half asleep, sitting in a semicircle around the fireplace in the cabin, wearing big sweaters and woolen socks. The only sounds you could hear were the stew boiling, the sparks from the fireplace, and someone having a sip of mulled wine. Then one of my friends broke the silence.
“Could this be any more hygge?’ he asked rhetorically.
“Yes,” one of the women said after a moment. “If there was a storm raging outside.”
We all nodded.”
Meik Wiking, The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy LIving, Harper Collins Publishers 2017.
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This book is so popular and many refer to it as the Hygge handbook. It’s a pretty coffee table book that sets out why hygge can be a huge benefit to you and your life. Nothing earth shattering, not a deep read, just common sense. And comforting. And of course reading it will make you feel very cozy.
All very hygge indeed.
In fact there are many books written about hygge that not only will they add to your library but they also make wonderful gifts and so I’ve created a separate post listing 11 of my favourite books all about hygge, hygge life and the many ways you can bring more happiness and cozy-ness into your life. Kind of a hygge starter kit!
So here are 21 ways for you to feel great this fall with hygge:
1. Enjoy nature inside your home. How can you do that? Well in NA we are able to bring in foliage that’s fallen from leafy trees like beech and maple trees. Beautiful reds and golds give everything a cozy feel. Maybe make a beautiful harvest wreath for your wall or front door I love to put sprigs into heavy glass or pottery vases.
2. Express your gratitude – to yourself your friends your loved ones. Even better whispering your gratitude to your higher power throughout the day for little things. Like the warm October sun. That your train to work was on time. That you have enough. Get the idea? And it just feels so darn good too!
3. Soft lighting – Light those candles! Hygge is all about candles. And the more the better! On a dark afternoon, a few cheery candles will definitely give your room and your mood a cozy glow.

4. Schedule a smartphone break – or technology fast. Now this is something I’ve tried to do more often theses days. I have that app on my phone that tells me how much time I’ve spent on my phone this week. So my new strategy is to keep it within a window and put it away by 7 pm. That’s a little difficult sometimes right? I think the next thing would be to schedule a time that you can just not be on your phone. Especially the evenings when watching tv.
5. Discover essential oils and aromatherapy. I’m usually the last one to the party when discovering new things I’ll admit. So when our daughter gave me an essential oil diffuser for Christmas last year I was excited to try it out! I orderednansweetmkit of xx essential oils and I’ve been experimenting. You need to be careful with children and pets as some oils when mixed can be toxic. But there is so much good information on how to use EO the right way like here!
6. Get those cozy knitted shawls and blankets out of the closet. Isn’t this the best idea yet? I can’t decide if I like the plush throws you get at The books stores or those beautiful hand knitted blankets. There are some beauties out there like these that I found on Etsy.

7. Layer your biggest Chunky sweater and put on a pair of soft cozy slippers or socks. Now this is abides you can really get into. And since it’s fall maybe put one or both on your Xmas gift list! Reading socks are so popular and most of our posts about Hygge include at least one image of happy feet encased in the coziest pair of socks or slippers! You get to decide what your chunky sweater looks like. Maybe that one your hubby or significant other discarded? Or something you found that was just perfect for you. Mine is an old fisherman knit sweater that Is almost 20 years old.

8. Sip warm drinks like Mulled wine, spiced apple cider, herbal teas – my absolute favourite fall drink is spiced apple cider. Just the smell of it while it warms in a pot on the back of the stove is definitely a hygge autumn drink. You can grab a jug of cider in the grocery store (be sure to watch the expiry date) and warm it up with a stick of cinnamon. Yum Yum!
9. Self Care – plan a quiet evening or afternoon just for you, great book, a bubble bath, meditate. Or book a spa appointment and get your toes done!
10. Affirmations – We have so much to be grateful for. Writing out a few daily affirmations will quickly reinforce just how much gratitude there is to spread around, especially during the fall when we’re making plans for Thanksgiving.
11. Fall Driving trip to see the colours-did you ever do this as a kid? Hop in the family car, or rent one for a day and drive out into the country. If you live in North America – mostly in the northeast – spectacular foliage can be found in September and October. Those beautiful reds and golds definitely make me think hygge autumn!

12. Go for a walk during a Harvest Moon! Fall is the perfect time to take a moonlight stroll to experience a little hygge autumn. No need for a flashlight with that huge yellow moon lighting the way! Check out the moon schedule and see what other times are perfect for taking walks by the light of the moon. La Bella Luna!

13. Try learning one of the home arts, like knitting or crochet! Before smart phones and binge watching Netflix there were other ways to pass the time in the evenings. Years ago knitting and crocheting were part of providing clothing and decorations for our lives. Fast forward to now and these home arts are still incredibly popular with many blogs and YouTube channels. Knitting baby things, sweaters and shawls for the family is something I plan to get back to in the new year. My mom was a manic crocheter and our home was full of starched doilies ! I love these sweet crocheted items from Etsy. Give it a try and let me know what you’re working on!

14. Go camping – Camping is definitely a great way to experience hygge in autumn, all bundled up in a cozy sleeping bag, enjoying a campfire and watching the night sky. Tell stories, make new friends, sing songs.
Related Posts:
- how to get more hygge in your life
- summertime and hygge
- a spring hygge challenge
- hygge winter
- be more hygge at work
15. Baking – anything apple or pumpkin this time of year. Can’t you just smell a freshly baked apple crisp right from the oven, or a lightly spiced pumpkin loaf? Definitely hygge autumn cozy. We’ve got recipes for both, and you can check more Fall Favourites right here.
16. Apple picking – spending an afternoon outside in the fall sunshine, taking in the wonderful outdoor smells in an apple orchard is just so much fun. Apple growers have really created an amazing agro tourism industry around apple picking, and you can enjoy horse drawn hayrides, bobbing for apples, drinking apple cider, even a scarecrow maze! Look for a local orchard near you and get out and enjoy the day. This activity never gets old and is great for the little ones and big ones alike.

17. Farmer’s Markets are so much fun and a great way to have a hygge day. What a perfect way to spend a sunny fall day viewing the harvest, enjoying some fresh baking, getting some delicious apples, or fall produce. Your local tourism office will have all the information you need. We have a sweet little farmer’s market every Saturday morning here at the trailer, with all kinds of vendors, even Niagara wines!
18. Create your very own hygge space at home. This can be so easy to do and doesn’t require spending tons of money either! Drape a blanket over the back of the sofa, display some candles, fill one of your favorite bowls with dried potpourri. Brew a pot of herbal tea and you’re all set with your very own Hygge Nook. Maybe it’s in the main part of the house, your family room or it could even be a special place in the garden or on your back porch! We love fairy lights and string them indoors and out. Xo
19. Make a hygge autumn reading list – Enjoying a delightful book is often at the top of many hygge lists. Meik Wiking says….. We’ve curated a collection of delightful books that deliver on all the cozy, happy feels.
20. Create memories with friends or loved ones. Tell a story, or bake one of grandma’s most loved recipes, then reach out to friends and family and invite them round to enjoy. Informal get togethers like this don’t need planning, don’t require lots of work. Just pick up the phone and give those special people a call. They will love you for it, and will get the idea that they can host too!

21. Snuggle together with your honey or your fur-kid in your woolies. Do you have a favorite pair of cozy socks, or an old fisherman knit sweater lying around? Pull them out of your dresser or closet and try them on! Perfect for long walks or enjoying your favorite hygge book snuggled up on the sofa! We love to hold hands when we watch our favorite team on TV.

Thanks so much for spending time with me today! Now you have a list of 21 ideas, tips and tricks to help you embrace Autumn and get cozy with hygge. Be sure to pin our post to enjoy later! xo Judy

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